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Botswana Day 5

Today is Tuesday, our second day of ministry in Jwaneng. We woke up around 6am so we could get a shower, have our devotional time, and breakfast before leaving for the 1 hour 45 minute drive to the village. We prayed before dividing in to groups, one from the Virginia team, one from Botswana, and one of the summer missionaries. I went with Charissa and Andrew. Andrew translated and spoke Setswana to those who didnt speak English (most do though). We walked and prayed for the willage and if we saw someone on the road or at their home we invited them to attend the local church and gave them a simple Gospel tract. We spoke with them for as long as we could, always ending by praying for them. Some people were even opne to doing a Bible study right then and there or they asked us to return later in the week to do one with theit household. We would share a Bible study from John 3, talking about what it means to be born again. After lunch Allison, one of the summer missionaries, met a girl named Zenet who was very interested in the word of God and scheduled a time for a Bible Study after lunch.

We ate meat pies from the local grocery store for lunch (they were delicious). When we came back to meet with Zenet she had a friend with her Tlalaletsang. Those two plus Andrew, Allison and I led them in a Bible study. After about an hour of talking about the wide and narrow paths and what it meant to be born again, both girls gave their lives to Christ! We have plans to meet with them tomorrow at the Bible study at the local church.

We also got to expereince more of Africa, we sang songs in Setswana in the van on the way home. We sang as we had to honk at cows trying to cross the road. Overall it was an amazing day, getting to watch God work in powerful ways. Thankfully I am starting to get accustomed to the time change. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue the work here. Keep checking this site for a new post every day.

Jamie Hoover

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